End Body & Joint Pain

The word Arthritis as used by many to describe about 200 different painful degenerative conditions that affect the joints, the tissues that surround the joints as well as other connective tissues around the joints. Over time the word "Arthritis" became a general term and it is used to describe pain or inflammation, swelling, and stiffness of joints. 

Research has reported that over 10 million people living in the UK are suffering from Arthritis. This population constitutes people of all ages, although in different proportion including older people and youths - even children and teenagers.

However, it is imperative to find out the cause of arthritis because it is the key to finding the right treatment and self-help options. 

In recent years treatments of Arthritis & Body Pain have improved greatly as opposed to people perception with the belief that there is no cure to Arthritis. These treatment improvements cover for many forms of Arthritis particularly Inflammatory Arthritis.

It may be difficult to tell or pinpoint the exact cause of your Arthritis because there are several factors that can increase the risk of each form of Arthritis. Arthritis has made the life of many a miserable and tough one by making it very difficult to move freely around. Most types of Arthritis are long-term conditions and their symptoms can vary from day to day, week to week, and month to month. 

Key Facts About Arthritis

Here are some important facts about Arthritis and Body Pain;

  • Arthritis is used to refer to about 200 rheumatic conditions and diseases that affect the joints
  • Arthritis itself and the Body Pain it causes can impair a person's ability to perform his/her day to day activities
  • Physical activities such as exercise and one's everyday activities can help improve function, mental health and improve pain
  • The factors that help in the development of Arthritis and Body Pain include abnormal metabolism, infections, injury, immune system, genetic makeup, and many more

Major and Common Forms of Arthritis

  1. Osteoarthritis 
Osteoarthritis is the most common with an estimation of over 6.25 million victims living with the condition in Nigeria. This condition starts with roughening of the cartilage in which the body then put in place a repair process to make up for the loss of the important tissue. After this, then following occurs in our body system
  • The amount of thick fluid inside the joint may increase
  • The shape of the joint may be lost as a result of the stretching action of the joint capsule
  • Osteophytes (tiny bits of extra bone) can grow within the joint at the end of a bone
It is important to note that the early stages of Osteoarthritis can occur without causing stiffness and much pain but can lead to severe damage inside the joints as well as stiffness that is accompanied by severe pain. It is however reported to be common in women and it usually affects people from age 45 and above.
It is mostly found to affect the hips, knee, back, and the hands.
2. Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis is known as an auto-immune condition and it is a form of inflammatory arthritis. The body's natural self-defense system known as the immune system helps to protect the body from illness and infections. When the body is plagued with an autoimmune condition, the body immune system mistakenly attacks the body healthy tissues like the joints leading to inflammation 

The inflammation occurs in the body when extra fluid is sent to an area to fight infection. 

However, the inflammation caused by Rheumatoid Arthritis and the extra fluid produced int the joint area can pose the following threat to your system

  • Movement of joint may become difficult and painful
  • The extra fluid produced can stretch the joint capsule which may not return back to its original position
  • A painful sensation at the joint as a result of the irritation caused by the extra fluid  

Also, it can cause stiffness of joint and pain which may lead to permanent damage of joint if care is not taken. It is important too, therefore, start an effective treatment early in order o minimize damage. 

Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms 

The symptoms may include;

  • Swollen & Joint Stiffness which may last for more than half an hour
  • Tender and Swollen Joints
  • A general feeling of being unwell called 
  • Fatigue, known as a severe tiredness

in most cases, Rheumatoid Arthritis starts in the small joints of the hands and legs. Rheumatoid Arthritis can start quite slowly and gradually get worse and can affect the same joints of the body on both sides at the same time. Also, it can start more aggressively. 

Based on research, Rheumatoid Arthritis commonly start among people between the ages of 40 & 60 and can affect adults of any age. Report according to the Center for Disease Control & Prevention, Rheumatoid Arthritis is common in women than men.

Another form of Inflammatory Arthritis is the Gout which causes painful swellings in joints. Gout mostly affects the big toe and can also affect other joints in the body. When the joints are affected by Gout they become hot and red and the skin around the joint may look shiny and can start to peel off.
Gout is known to be caused by too much of urate known as uric acid in the body system. Gout can be caused by being overweight or drinking and eating too much of certain types of food and alcoholic drinks respectively which may increase the level of uric acid in the body. Also, it can arise as a result of the gene we inherit from our parents.
When it gets to a point or level, excess urate in the body then form into crystals that remain around and in the joints which can be there for a while without causing a problem for the victims. However, a knock directly on the crystal can fall in the soft part of the joint and can cause swelling and pain. 
It is reported that women mostly develop gout after menopause while men can develop Gout in their mid-20s. 
Treating Arthritis & Body Pain
There are numerous options that help relieve the symptoms and pain of arthritis in the body. Although most of these treatments are known to give a temporary solution while only a few can help to put an end to the menace of Arthritis and Body Pain in the society. The following non-invasive treatments have been documented for the treatment of arthritis;

  • Use of medication
  • Injections
  • Physical Therapy
  • Weight loss program
  • Lifestyle changes e.g exercise, rest, healthy diet
  • Surgeries (A last resort)

As explained, the treatment list above is the commonly used out of the numerous option. If you take a closer look at this treatment, you'll see that they so sound extreme while some of them doesn't really put an end to joints and body pain.
However, with the right approach and treatment as stated below, you can get rid of your arthritis body pain and rheumatism.

1. Forever Move

Forever Move helps you to regain your youthful independence giving you the ability to move with zero pain, freely and smoothly. Forever move was purposely manufactured Natural Blend & Chemical-free product to help support healthful joints & muscles. Being one of the latest Forever living products packages, it is the most clinically advanced muscle and joints supplement that allows you to move freely with comfort and flexibility

This product was manufactured from 2 patented natural material - Natural Eggshell Membrane and the best-graded turmeric (A popular & valued Asian root). Forever move is not only for joint and muscle alone but also perfect for those that carry out strenuous activities, those living an active or busy lifestyle, and for fitness and sports enthusiasts.

2. Aloe Heat lotion

This rich emollient lotion is a lubricating and pH balanced lotion meant for a relaxing and soothing massage. This product is a perfect a perfect choice with its deep penetrating power in getting rid of body and joints pain.
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